On Saturday 03 August 2002 08:55 am, Guillaume Rousse wrote:
> Le Samedi 3 Août 2002 14:43, Jérôme UZEL a écrit :
> > # urpme MySQL
> > Pour satisfaire les dépendances, les paquetages suivants vont être
> > désinstallés (55 Mo):
> > kdebase-devel-3.0.2-32mdk libqt3-devel-3.0.5-2mdk
> > kdelibs-devel-3.0.2-24mdk libmysql10-devel-3.23.51-3mdk
> > MySQL-3.23.51-3mdk Est-ce correct ? (O/n) O
> >
> > Is it the expected behaviour ?
> Unfortunatly, yes :-(
> As qt3 provide a database abstraction layer, it is linked against libmysql,
> so libqt3-devel needs libmysql-devel. 

This is not accurate, the support is provided by a plugin; and I don't see a 
reason not to have the plugin in a separate package... Should I provide a 
.spec file patch?

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