Le Samedi 3 Août 2002 16:04, Maks Orlovich a écrit :
> > As qt3 provide a database abstraction layer, it is linked against
> > libmysql, so libqt3-devel needs libmysql-devel.
> This is not accurate, the support is provided by a plugin; and I don't see
> a reason not to have the plugin in a separate package... Should I provide a
> .spec file patch?
You can, of course, but KDE maintainers seems to be relunctant to split their 
packages. Seems a good package should be at least 20Mo for them :-)

However, this would really make life easier (for users, of course). I hate to 
have ppp installed on my university box just because kdenetwork includes a 
dialer, for instance. And this would allows also to provide alternative 
boot-screen without file conflict...
Guillaume Rousse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPG key http://lis.snv.jussieu.fr/~rousse/gpgkey.html

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