On Saturday 03 August 2002 12:33 pm, huug wrote:
> Well, pico can't be included due to licensing problems. Which is why
> nano was born.
Why is it included in the 8.2 then?

> That's not the issue. There needs to be a small editor in /bin for
> emergency repairs, and newbees are more likely to cause
> such. Besides, old hacks surely can put their vi|emacs there
> themselfs: that's not something a distro maker has to do for them.
How about both?  Is there really not enough room for another small editor?  I 
completely agree with you: Mandrake is a newbie-oriented distributions and 
very few newbies know how to use VI.  It looks like the author of the rant 
never had to help someone fix their lilo.conf or do some repair over the 
phone.  Try explaining how to use VI to a newbie...  Hell, I've been using 
Linux for 3-something years now and the only editor I know how to use is 
Pico.  I can make some emergency repairs with VI, but it really ticks me off.
-- Igor

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