On Sat, 3 Aug 2002, Buchan Milne wrote:
> Since we have LDAP and DHCP etc working, I normally do a network
> install, and DrakX (when given just my hostname) gets everything
> right. Setting up LDAP, it even pulls our prefix (dc=cae,dc=co,dc=za)
> out of the domainname it got from DHCP. The only irritation is that it
> defaults to localhost for the LDAP server. Somehow I don't see how I
> could manage to setup a working LDAP server on the machine by first
> boot so that I can log in ;-)
> Could this be changed to be something sensible like ldap.domainname
> (since it already has the correct domainname). I am quite sure that
> ldap.domainname will not have exist if it doesn't run ldap, and adding
> an A or CNAME record if the name doesn't exist is less effort than
> setting ldap.domainname on a number of machines, for each
> installation.
> This is the only change I have to make to get LDAP accounts working,
> so kudos on the rest.

Would it not be better for LDAP to pull up an SRV record of the form

 _ldap._tcp.your.domain.name    IN      SRV     0 0 389 your.ldap.server

in order to locate an LDAP server for the domain?  This would be
consistent with the way that Kerberos locates its servers (LDAP and
Kerberos in Win2k also use SRV records).


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