Tom Whiting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> You're one of the lucky few then:P
> Trust me, there IS an issue with burning these cd's.
> The problem is simple: too much data on the first 2 cd's.
> I CAN burn > 650m (most anyone can). HOWEVER, when you get to the 700m mark, 
> you run into problems, in big big ways. You HAVE to allow some sort of leeway 
> for the cd to close. The max I've (personally) burned a cd at is 690, but I'm 
> sure the cd can handle 700 rather easily enough.
> The point is that different writers, readers handle things differently. Mine, 
> I can go up to 700, if I chose to, but then again, you wouldn't be able to 
> finalize that disk. The first two discs in this series are proof of that. The 
> fact that so many (2 others just this evening, more I'm sure on the website) 
> have had the same problem again, is proof of that. These ISO's are going to 
> cause problems when you try to burn them. MAYBE not for everyone, but why run 
> that risk? 
> The solution? Simply take 10m off ISo's 1 and 2 and put it onto ISO3 (which is 
> around 650 I believe and can easily handle the extra load). This will provide 
> that comfort "padding" that most burners whine about.
> As a side note, I HAVE had this happen before with other cd's which were close 
> to 700m (one 699 even, which TECHNICALLY fits). The prog refused to close the 
> cd, to finalize it.  Unfortunately, THIS cd had to be trashed.

But are you using 700 MB blank discs ?


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