On Sat, 17 Aug 2002, Brent Hasty wrote:

> I am looking forward with great anticipation to the integration of Linux 
> Terminal Server service being added to 9.0.  

I'd be happy to see more feedback :)

> A few questions:
> with the clients/terminals be able to have local devices like cd and fd0 
> functioning locally?

Yes.  You boot the kernel on the client machine, so the hardware seen is
that machine's hardware.  The trick is the mount points.  Terminal-server
provides /etc/fstab$$CLIENT$$ which is what the client machines see for
mount points.  I just tried the simple case, adding standard cdrom and
floppy entries to this file, and making client mount points:

-bash-2.05b$ ls -l /mnt/
total 44
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root         4096 Jul 23 03:06 cdrom/
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root         4096 Aug 17 09:38 cdrom$$CLIENT$$/
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root         4096 Aug 17 09:47 floppy$$CLIENT$$/

-bash-2.05b$ grep supermount /etc/fstab\$\$CLIENT\$\$ 
none    /mnt/cdrom      supermount
0 0
none    /mnt/floppy     supermount
0 0

For multiple clients, I suspect you'll want to replace
/mnt/cdrom$$CLIENT$$ with /mnt/cdrom$$client-ip-address$$, so everyone is
not trying to use the same mount point.

I'll add this basic case to the terminal server package.

> ie: useres will not be running thier cd's to the administrators office, and 
> will simply be able to insirt them into the drives included in thier terminal 
> hardware?
> How about local sound?

Yes, through the clusternfs use of the $$$CLIENT$$, each client machine
can have their own config files, so local sound should be able to be

> Usb mice?

Shouldn't be an issue.  I'm using serial on this machine, but on PPC it's
mostly USB, and they're treated about the same.

> Usb periferials like scanners?

Should get mostly the same behaviour as the normal system. You may have to
do some manual config for the client, possibly. The problem you run into
is the server root fs is readonly, for some degree of security, so you
can't create client configs on-the-fly, sitting at the client machine.

BTW - your mailer munged the Reply-To

Stew Benedict

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