Ron Stodden wrote on Wed, Aug 21, 2002 at 12:49:35AM +1000 :
> At, say, an optimistic 4MB/sec overall effective download rate, one 

Obviously you meant 4KB/sec :)

> 700MB CD takes 50 or 60 hours,ie 2.1 days+ (on a 24x7 assumption).   3 
> CDs would therefore take nearly a week.  Then testing and reporting time 
> must be added.

Ron, I suggest that you make a phone call to a local university and ask
for the computer science department.  A university will almost always (I
said almost :) have a decent connection to the internet.  In addition,
you can use a local mirror in Brisbane so that you don't have to
download from overseas:

Assuming you can find someone who:
a) will download it for you
b) has already downloaded it
You should have cd's in your hands in a single afternoon.  If you ask
nicely, someone will help you (not that you need technical assistance,
you just need to connection and a means to burn CD's).

Blue skies...                   Todd
  Todd Lyons -- MandrakeSoft, Inc.
UNIX was not designed to stop you from doing stupid things, because 
  that would also stop you from doing clever things. -- Doug Gwyn
   Cooker Version mandrake-release-9.0-0.3mdk Kernel 2.4.19-3mdk

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