1. A number of Gnome menu items have no icon shown:

Configuration | Hardware | HardDrake

Configuration | Networking

Configuration | Other | Configure System Security

Menu GNOME | Desktop Preferences | Screensaver

Menu GNOME | Graphics | The GIMP

Menu GNOME | System Tools | About Myself

Menu GNOME | System Tools | Change Password

Menu GNOME | System Tools | Disk Management

Menu GNOME | System Tools | New Login

2. There are also some inconsistencies between Gnome and GNOME, for example

Applications | Monitoring | GNOME System Monitor

Applications | File Tools | Gnome Search Tool

(I prefer Gnome throughout)

3. And also some between capitalisation and non-capitalisation, for example

Networking | Remote access | Gnome ppp

Terminals | Gnome terminal

Multimedia | Sound | Gnome CD Player

(I prefer complete capitalisation throughout so the first two would read

Terminals | Gnome Terminal

Networking | Remote Access | Gnome PPP)

4. Finally, Menu GNOME should drop the French ordering and become Gnome Menu
(or simply Gnome - it's fairly obvious it's a menu :)


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