On Sunday 25 August 2002 07:57, Charles A Edwards wrote:
>On Sun, 25 Aug 2002 12:00:32 +0100
>> It seems to have failed to run mkinitd, as looking in /boot now there
>> are no files for the 2.4.19 kernel.
>> Needless to say the machine doesn't boot now.
>should still be able to boot with your 8.2 kernel or floppy.
>I ran into the same upgrading 2 slightly behind cooker systems to B4.
>The 2.4.19-5 kernel is installed but no initrd image is created and the
>2.4.19-5 entry in lilo.conf is filled with garbage such as the ram disk
>size in the append line.

I encountered the problem about a week ago, updating sevral packages on
a cooker only machine that is normally kept up-to-date.  My hypothesis
is that when devfsd is upgraded, bad things happen with the dev-fs such
that a re-boot is needed to load the new devfsd to set things strait.
When the mikinitrd failed, it reported that there were no available loop
devices, so I booted a rescue image, and had no problem re-installing
the most recent kernel, mkinitrd and all.  Has there been any indication
as to why/where the mkinitrd step of the kernel upgrade was failing in 
other cases?  Since they were going from re-booted/shut-down systems, I
would not expect the devfs problem to be the cause since I was upgrading
a running machine.


 +-% He's a real  UNIX Man $-+-------------------------------------+
  \  Sitting in his UNIX LAN  \          Charles A. Shirley         \
   \ Making all his UNIX plans \   cashirley (at) comcast (dot) net  \
    +------# For  nobody @------+-------------------------------------+

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