On Tue, Aug 27, 2002 at 10:27:58PM -0500, Lonnie Borntreger wrote:

> COOL!  You solved it better than I did!
> On Tue, 2002-08-27 at 20:09, Peter Ruskin wrote:
> When I was trying to solve this, I thought I had gone through every LC_
> variable and unset it, did an ls, then on to the next.  I totally missed
> LC_COLLATE.  That is the ONLY one that needs to be set to "C" or
> "POSIX".
> THANK YOU!!!  Now I don't have to hack my X11 startup scripts anymore,
> just need to set that in /etc/sysconfig/i18n.

Thank you very, very much!

That's what I needed since Mandrake 8.0!

One can say it not enough:

   # setenv LC_COLLATE posix

Thank's again.

Liebe Grüße, Nora.
     IM-NETZ Neue Medien, Berlin               http://www.im-netz.de/
     WWW von Frauen für Frauen, Hamburg        http://www.w4w.net/
     Lesbian Computer Networks, Helsinki       http://www.sappho.net/

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