Am Montag,  2. September 2002, 12:18:07 Uhr MET, schrieb Oden Eriksson:
> I have packed DuhDraw which is a clone of the famous "The Draw" for MS-DOS. 
> Everyone who has been running a BBS in the past will feel kind of nostalgic 
> here :-)

> But the license is unclear to me as it's not part of the Mandrake licensing 
> model. DuhDraw is licensed as "GNU Copyleft". Is that ok with Mandrake?

I'm sure what they really mean is the GPL. But you could contact the
authors to ask them for a non-ambiguous copyright statement in the
next release. 

BTW do you know a nice viewer for ANSI beside AcidView for Java? My
current solution (using a MS-DOS compatible truetype font with rxvt
and less) isn't optimal.

   Götz Waschk <> master of computer science  <> University of Rostock for PGP key
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