I've been using the same config since my Beta2 re-installation test.  And even 
before Cooker went into Beta for 9, I've been using the same options at every 
install.  For the curious, it's an S3 Savage4 3D.  I figured I throw up the 
flag in case Mandrake had been tinkering and might want to know what it 
caused to break, if anything.  (And they are using a pre-release instead of a 
"stable" version.)

On Wednesday 04 September 2002 07:00 pm, Ben Reser wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 04, 2002 at 06:52:02PM -0700, Digital Wokan wrote:
> > Considering, I've never had X crash on me since I was trying to install
> > nVidia
> a) Wrap your lines at 72 characters.
> b) X is not nearly as stable as you think.  It does crash sometimes...
> Far less than say Windows though.

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