On Thu, 5 Sep 2002 10:59, Igor Izioumine wrote:
> On Wednesday 04 September 2002 09:00 pm, Ben Reser wrote:
>> On Wed, Sep 04, 2002 at 06:52:02PM -0700, Digital Wokan wrote:
>>> Considering, I've never had X crash on me since I was trying to install
>>> nVidia

>> a) Wrap your lines at 72 characters.

>> b) X is not nearly as stable as you think.  It does crash sometimes...
>> Far less than say Windows though.

> It depends on the driver and the system config.  Some people have it
> running very well, while some drivers (3dfx Voodoo3 for example) crash
> every 15 minutes.

I have used 2x Voodoo Banshee cards (EvilQueen) using that same driver, both 
rock solid, never a crash (although my wife's card is dying now, putting 
fuzzies on the screen).

I now have 2x GeForce2 MX machines, one a card and on a built-in (nForce), and 
I lock them up about every 30-40 hours. Sad. Even sadder that the fan on the 
card died almost immediately (less than 8 hrs up), but returning it to the 
wholesaler would have been more hassle than replacing the fan, which I did.

Cheers; Leon

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