On torsdagen den 5 september 2002 23.54 Jean-Michel Dault wrote:
> > (replying to all the recent apache2 related stuff)
> > He he he..., you said you done huge changes..., you weren't joking..., I
> > can see that :) he he he, amazing...
> Yes, and I have tested all the modules so they work together, see:
> HTTP/1.1 200 OK
> Date: Fri, 06 Sep 2002 06:44:45 GMT
> Server: Apache-AdvancedExtranetServer/2.0.40 (Mandrake Linux/8mdk)
> mod_perl/1.99_05-dev Perl/v5.8.0 mod_ssl/2.0.40 OpenSSL/0.9.6g DAV/2
> PHP/4.2.2 mod_random/2.0 auth_mysql/1.11 mod_auth_pgsql/0.9.12
> auth_external/2.2.1 mod_ruby/0.9.9 Ruby/1.6.7 mod_roaming/2.0.0
> v2h/2.0.4 auth_kerberos/4.11 mod_python/3.0.0 Python/2.2.1

This is pretty awesome. I saw the change you made to apache2-mod_v2h, cool, I 
didn't notice that, I was so pleased I even got it to compile :) Mandrake is 
truly the most apache2 loaded distro now, cool, I hope people appreciate it 
and most of all _USE IT_. But I hope "mod_perl/1.99_05-dev" is incorrect?

> > I would never had figured out the DONT_STRIP bug..., what is that all
> > about?
> Some modules, like mod_perl, can access all the functionality of the
> apache registry. For that, they need access to the Apache symbols.
> Otherwise, when you try to use HTML-Embperl or Apache-ASP, you get
> strange results...


> > I thought it was required to use "--enable-experimental-zts" when
> > building php for apache2 sapi, not? What about using the RH patches for
> > the apache2 sapi I sent you (check the RH php package), or is it safer to
> > use the stuff in your apache2-mod_php package?
> I use the 4.3 CVS SAPI for apache2-mod_php, as it's more stable for now.

Aha, ok. I'm using plain 4.2.2 + the rh patch on d-srv.com, it seems to work.

> > Nice touch with mod_perl2. My last one stopped working for some reason,
> > and I was just to lazy to figure out why (as I don't know mod_perl too
> > well).
> You need to build mod_perl with an existing version of apache-mod_perl,
> so that it will force the compatibility option. Then, you use a perl
> startup script with PerlRequire in the conf.d file, so it loads
> Apache::compat and Apache2. You can test if it works correctly by doing
> http://localhost/perl/test.pl

I thought that wasn't nessesary with the "MP_INST_APACHE2=1" option. So 
annoying..., trial and error I guess..., you must have been real frustrated 
about all this.

> > I solved the ugly hack creating include/ap_config_layout.h in my last
> > apache2 package(s) by _not_ using "--enable-layout=" (!).
> Weird... anyways, we'll have plenty of time to check that later =)

Yes, all this is sooooooooo wierd...

> > I will try all of these packages at home and notify you ASAP if I find
> > something outstanding (I probably won't find anything anyway...). But I
> > have very limited time window to do it right now as I have to go hunting
> > (!) (the moose hunting season started monday...) :-)
> There might be some conflicts with your previous version in the
> Contribs, as the package structure is different. But the best test is to
> install the RC1, then to do rpm -Uvh apache*, so we know the upgrade is
> working.
> > It would have been nice with some credits on the default html page
> > though...
> I was asked not to put any credits on the default html page. But you're
> in the changelogs and in the contribs section of www.advx.org. We'll try
> to put you at a special place =)

Hmm. I noticed that just now, but could you please remove my e-mail address, 
and put something like Oden Eriksson - Deserve-IT Networks (link to 
http://d-srv.com) instead. Thanks.

Regards // Oden Eriksson
Deserve-IT Networks -> http://d-srv.com

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