On fredagen den 6 september 2002 09.32 Jean-Michel Dault wrote:
> > This is pretty awesome. I saw the change you made to apache2-mod_v2h,
> > cool, I didn't notice that, I was so pleased I even got it to compile :)
> > Mandrake is truly the most apache2 loaded distro now, cool, I hope people
> > appreciate it and most of all _USE IT_. But I hope "mod_perl/1.99_05-dev"
> > is incorrect?
> What do you mean, "mod_perl/1.99_05-dev" incorrect? It's still tagged as
> a development version, and it reports like that in the Apache registry.

Aha, ok. I didn't notice that earlier.

> > > I use the 4.3 CVS SAPI for apache2-mod_php, as it's more stable for
> > > now.
> >
> > Aha, ok. I'm using plain 4.2.2 + the rh patch on d-srv.com, it seems to
> > work.
> Maybe it works, but I like new, pristine source code better than ancient
> code with a patch =)

He he, ok. The 4.3.0 CVS version worked fine too when I tried it.

I'm still a little confused about the zts stuff..., I was told you had to use 
it in order to have php working for apache2, but obviousely it's wrong.

> > > You need to build mod_perl with an existing version of apache-mod_perl,
> >
> > I thought that wasn't nessesary with the "MP_INST_APACHE2=1" option. So
> It's not necessary, but if you don't do so, you get conflicting man
> pages =(


> > > I was asked not to put any credits on the default html page. But you're
> > > in the changelogs and in the contribs section of www.advx.org. We'll
> > > try to put you at a special place =)
> >
> > Hmm. I noticed that just now, but could you please remove my e-mail
> > address, and put something like Oden Eriksson - Deserve-IT Networks (link
> > to http://d-srv.com) instead. Thanks.
> Great! I changed it. If you want, I could do a box, put your name there,
> and have a 3-4 line advertisement =) Just send me the text ;-)

No..., he he he, I'm not _that_ hungry for prestige, but a little advertising 
won't hurt. Well..., maybe some text would be cool..., I send it offlist.

Regards // Oden Eriksson
Deserve-IT Networks -> http://d-srv.com

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