Hey Phil, Cookers,

Back in march I got my matrox G450 dual head working properly in 8.2/KDE 
thanx to your help as the email below indicates.  Specifically I just needed 
to turn on xinerama in the KDE config.  Now with 9.0B1 thru 9.0RC1 I am 
having similar/worse problems - the xinerama option is greyed out even if 
chosen during install or XFdrake.   The G450 or G400 dual head (I tryed both) 
are not installed correctly with XFdrake but if I import my old XF86Config-4 
(or the available matrox driver) it seems to work properly until I open 
certain apps at which point that app freezes requiring an xkill.  Konsole and 
kpackage are some of the apps that lock when using my old XF86Config-4 and it 
does not seem useable this way.  It is interesting that the first 1 or 2 
instances of Konsole lock up but after that I can open it many times with no 
problem until the next time I restart KDE.   These apps work fine in single 
screen mode either "mirror" or one display mode.  

I would like to know how to configure a G450 or G400 for dual head multi 
display (xinerama) under 9.0RC1.

A working XF86Config-4 file for 9.0/this card might help me understand what 
is wrong.

I thank you for any help you can give or if this issue is corrected in the 
next RC.  I can reproduce this problem and provide more info if needed.


On Sunday 24 March 2002 08:36 pm, you wrote:
> Hi,
> > Can anyone tell me where to look to get my systems working with both
> > heads "inteligently" using 8.2?   The matrox driver is not as good as the
> > standard setup of 8.1 and the 8.2 built in support for these cards is
> > partially broken and worse than pre 8.0 support.
>   The machine that I'm currently using has a G400 and Mandrake 8.2. I
> haven't noticed any difference since upgrading from 8.1. Are you sure
> Xinerama is turned on in the KDE Control Center? (Window Behaviour >
> Advanced > Xinerama. I have all four Xinerama checkboxes selected).
>   If that doesn't help, I can send you my XF86Config-4.
> BTW -- The card was properly detected and configured during the
> installation:
> http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/demos/Demo/Mandrake8.2/QuickLook/pages/fea
>tures2.php3 And it also appears correctly in the Mandrake Control Center
> (Hardware > Display).
> Bye,
> Phil
> On Sunday 24 March 2002 04:23 pm, pbrown wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I hope someone can help with this:
> >
> > I have two machines running dual head matrox cards[G400 & G450].  In 8.1
> > the dual head features installed and worked very well using Xinerama
> > [XFree86 4.2.0-1mdk].  XFdrake also recognized that they were dual head
> > cards presenting appropraite options and showed resolution choices from
> > 1280x1024 to 640x480 which is reasonable for those cards.  Using KDE
> > opening of most applications rendered inteligently by showing logo
> > centered on head one and opening on head one.  The window maximize button
> > would maximize the window to full screen on the single head it started
> > on.  Just a few applications seemed to be "unaware" of how to handle dual
> > head setup and rendered logo centered between each screen with half the
> > logo on each screen where the desktop seam is  Staroffice 6.0beta is an
> > example of an "unaware" application.  Konqueror is an example of an
> > "inteligent" appication.  In the case of the "unaware" application the
> > maximize button caused the app to maximize across both heads.
> >
> > Starting with 8.2 beta1 the dual head function for these cards has
> > problems and I could not get the second head to work on either machine.
> >
> > The 8.2 beta1 thru 8.2 released version [XFree86 4.2.0-10mdk] install
> > script does not recognize these are dual head cards and only presents
> > options to configure the first head.  In addition to this the resolution
> > choices without choosing "expert" are only 800x600 and 640x480.  I tried
> > using the version of drakxtools from 8.1 and that did not help.  I also
> > tried using the XFconfig-4 from the 8.1 system that works but that did
> > not help.
> >
> > The driver and powerdesk app from matrox.com enables dual head to work in
> > 8.2 but all applications act as if "unaware" of the dual head config.
> >
> > Can anyone tell me where to look to get my systems working with both
> > heads "inteligently" using 8.2?   The matrox driver is not as good as the
> > standard setup of 8.1 and the 8.2 built in support for these cards is
> > partially broken and worse than pre 8.0 support.
> >
> > Any help is greatly appreciated.
> >
> > jim
> >
> > ><>


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