
Well I decided to download the RC1 ISO's, and give the whole cooker thing a 
try once more. Perhaps I should have listened to intuition and just stayed 
away, but, like  glutton for punishment, here I am again.

Firstly, the ISO's (once again) refuse to burn and sync correctly. I've 
resolved in this matter that the only way I'm ever going to be able to 
download a cd set from Mandrake again is to actually pull cooker in through 
fmirror and make my own, but this is ridiculous, to say the least. There's 
users out there that do have the same problem I have been having. I know this 
because I've seen the posts, I've talked to a few of them. Is it THAT much to 
ask that Mandrake go to standard iso's (between 650 and 690m)?? In this case, 
it wouldn't even involve much more than moving a few files around from one 
iso to the next. there's 3 cd's, 2 of which are packed so full they can't see 
straight, the third is so loosely packed that it's almost a waste of 100m 
space there. C'mon now.

I've never had a problem with Mandrake ISO's untill lately, hell, I've never 
had a problem with any ISO refusing to burn until I ran into these (though 
the most I've tried to put in the cd was just shy of 700m).
I certainly don't know what the problem is, but I'm certain I'm not the only 
one with it. It's more than enough to turn one away from using 'drake 
alltogether, believe me.

Next, logs:
Within a week of using 'drake, I found that 100m of logs were generated (yes, 
100m), most of these from msec, because of it's "high" security setting. Why 
this is integrated into 'drake, who knows, but it is completely and totally 
annoying to deal with.. here's why:
Firstly, quite a few files on web servers are required to be a+rxw. This 
results in enormous amounts of logs if you've got anything of a web server 
Personally, I have my logs set up on a seperate partition for easier access. 
Of course this partition is formatted every time I do a new install of the 
Operating System, but it just makes it easier to deal with. 100m of space for 
logs SHOULD be more than enough (if dealt with and rotated accordingly), but 
in this case it was far LESS than enough.. Talk about crazy. Msec reports to 
3 seperate files the SAME information (at default): syslog, secure, messages. 
In fact, most information is reported a redundant amount of times to messages 
(and syslog both),  as well as it's own personal file.
For example:
I install Qmail, and run it. One of the reasons I like the later distro's of 
'Drake is that I don't have to worry about removing any mail junk, I can 
simply untar my Qmail dist, configure it, set it up and poof, I have mail in 
< 10 minutes that's easy to configure and use.
Qmail logs info, warn, errors.  into /var/logs/mail
ALL of this as well is thrown into syslog, or messages (possibly both), if I 
remember correctly, causing redundancy the size of which is just insane. 
Whether this is done by Qmail or by the system logging mail (whichever prog 
is used) this way, it's just ick!
The same could be said for cron, and various other utilities. Logging is good, 
redundant logging is not, very much not. All this does is take up needless 
disk space.
Yes, I'm aware that I can change these, and I have, but most won't know how to 
do so, or that they can, hence it won't get done.

Next, sound:
I know I've been through this again, but, this time it's a li'l different.. Up 
untill recently (while going through my archives of burned cd's), I had 
forgotten that I purchased a copy of OSS/Paid just over a year ago. I decided 
to try this, rather than stock oss/alsa, and it seems to be handling things a 
bit better, as far as multi-channels go.
What I HAVE noticed though, is no matter the sound driver, the following never 
For one reason or another, this seems to just sit there and do nothing. 
Correction, it TRIES  to do something, but it fails miserably. 
I haven't tried this with the Gnome menus (not to start a war over which WM is 
better, but I've been hooked on KDE since I really got into using it), but 
I'm sure the output is somewhat the same.
Is it possible to get this to point to 'drake's sound manipulation, rather 
than kde/gnome mixers?

Next, php:
I'm not sure if this is a php thing, a distro thing, or what, but it's 
something I noticed:
I use php-nuke rather heavily in my sites, and in all of them with the latest
php rpm, they refuse to load the correct includes. For some reason, the 
modules refuse to load mainfile.php (maybe because it's not in the same 
directory as them, maybe not). The include path is correct (it's the same one 
I've used for php since I started using it), the system just refuses to load 
this in the latest php rpm. When I switched to 4.1.2 (I think that's the 
previous drake rpm), I had no problem with this, so either php has changed 
something, the rpm is messed up, or, well, the php build itself is messed up. 
Either way, this is something that I noticed. If it's a php change, I'd love 
for someone to tell me how I can go about fixing this so that it will 
actually work (without using require_once ("/mainfile.php");, because that 
would involve a LOT more work than simply going back to an older php 
version). I went through php.ini, but I'll be damned if I could find 
something that points to the problem.

 TJW: Head tech, Dreamless Realms
 The OLC Pages

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