Le ven 06/09/2002 à 23:19, Tom Whiting a écrit :
> Well I decided to download the RC1 ISO's, and give the whole cooker thing a 
> try once more. Perhaps I should have listened to intuition and just stayed 
> away, but, like  glutton for punishment, here I am again.

Don't forget that cooker is a development version, and that we have a
cycle of betas and release candidates for the whole purpose of finding
bugs ;-) Don't run a production system on anything but a final release.

> Next, php:
> I'm not sure if this is a php thing, a distro thing, or what, but it's 
> something I noticed:

It's a problem with the php.ini, I picked up the php.ini-dist from the
PHP source, and had to cut-and-paste back some stuff. I messed up on
that one, the include_path misses a "." dot at the beginning, so it does
not include the current directory.

It should read:
include_path = ".:/usr/lib/php/:/usr/lib/php/pear/"

It's fixed in cooker, and will be in RC2, but you're better to edit the
file by hand since it's only a minor change.


> I use php-nuke rather heavily in my sites, and in all of them with the latest
> php rpm, they refuse to load the correct includes. For some reason, the 
> modules refuse to load mainfile.php (maybe because it's not in the same 
> directory as them, maybe not). The include path is correct (it's the same one 
> I've used for php since I started using it), the system just refuses to load 
> this in the latest php rpm. When I switched to 4.1.2 (I think that's the 
> previous drake rpm), I had no problem with this, so either php has changed 
> something, the rpm is messed up, or, well, the php build itself is messed up. 
> Either way, this is something that I noticed. If it's a php change, I'd love 
> for someone to tell me how I can go about fixing this so that it will 
> actually work (without using require_once ("/mainfile.php");, because that 
> would involve a LOT more work than simply going back to an older php 
> version). I went through php.ini, but I'll be damned if I could find 
> something that points to the problem.
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