On Wed, Sep 18, 2002 at 04:11:02PM -0400, Trent M. Gunnarson wrote:
> of the difference between 'cooker' and 'release'. Is it as simple as:
> 1) Freeze the codebase
> 2) Work out the bugs with beta's and RC's
> 3) Take a snapshot of the 'cooker' files on a given day
> 4) Create ISO's with the aforementioned snapshot

Generally the development cycle goes like this:

1) Free for all... developers upgrade packages to put new versions in,
bug fixes, whatever needs to be done or is desierable to be done.
2) Soft Freeze, No new versions of software are to be done.  Only bug
fixes.  If a new version is needed to get a bug fix (it can't be
patched) then it will be put in.  Generally one or 2 betas goes out
before this happens.
3) Hard Freeze, Only critical bug fixes will be applied.  Smaller bugs
generally aren't patched.  This tends to happen around the release
canidate stage.
4) Release

Betas, Release Canidates, and the final releases are just snapshots of
where cooker stood at a particular time.  When the snapshot occurs is
a decision that Mandrake makes behind the sense.  So you're basically
right about how it goes.


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