Chuck Lalli wrote on Wed, Sep 18, 2002 at 10:43:49PM -0400 :
> Also, according to Services in mcc devfsd is running and 
> cal@caltig cal]$ ps -aux | grep devfsd
> cal       1672  0.0  0.1  1668  592 pts/1    S    22:43   0:00 grep devfsd
> [cal@caltig cal]$

:)  That proves that devfsd is not running.  That is exactly what gc has
been trying to verify on the few people that this issue has popped up
for.  Thank you.

Would it be possible for you to put your current /var/log/messages up
somewhere for download so that gc can take a look at it?  If you cannot,
then send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I will get it to gc.  gc might ask
that you send it to him directly (I'm not bold enough to ask that you
send it all to him since I don't want to be accused of DOS'ing his Inbox
:)  I'm at a customer's right now, so my response time is "when I can
squeeze a minute in" but I'll do what I can.

Blue skies...                   Todd
| MandrakeSoft USA             | Sometimes you get what you want. |
|  | Sometimes you get experience.    |
| |                --unknown origin  |
   Cooker Version mandrake-release-9.0-0.3mdk Kernel 2.4.19-12mdk

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