On Mon, Sep 23, 2002 at 08:18:29AM -0700, David Walser wrote:
> It was actually changed by mistake, but that's been
> one of the excuses to defend it.  If someone's gonna
> rebuild an SRPM, more than likely optimization one of
> the top reasons.  Anyway, /usr/lib/rpm/rpmrc is the
> *system* rpmrc, and so should build for the *system.* 
> The only ones that should be building i586 are
> Mandrake's packagers, and anybody else distributing
> binaries, and those people are supposed to be building
> in their home directory with their own .rpmrc
> One possible solution I've thought of is maybe
> distribute our RPM package with a script that
> automates setting up a user RPM build environment, and
> when it creates the .rpmrc, has it change the
> buildarchtranslate lines to i586 like they are now
> (but shouldn't be for the system one).

The problem you run into is some people building RPMs aren't going to
know this and will end up distributing i686 or Athlon or whatever

But yeah for the few people that rebuild stuff locally for their arch
it's probably inconvient.  But I tend to think of those people as power
users and they can handle make a few directories and a couple files with
their specific configs in there.


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