Right. A simpler way is to move the folder to another one, and then put 
it back to the desktop. Icon and name are then updated.
This is a very annoying bug. Even if it is a problem with KDE and not 
Mandrake, it is such kind of issues that make newbie people think that 
"Linux is not as good as Windows", just these graphical glitches... Hope 
it can be solved before the final. I submitted the bug to KDE.


Joseph Davidson wrote:

>On Mon, 2002-09-23 at 13:24, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>When a file or a folder is on the KDE Desktop, changing its name using the
>>"properties" window works, but its displayed name is still the old one, after
>>pressing OK. The folder's name is successfully changed for the system.
>Changing the icon also doesn't get reflected.  I found that I need to
>logout and log back in for the change to get updated.  

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