By the way, /dev/hda7 is mounted on /usr, just fyi.

> Speaking of which, I had this problem with RC2. I'm just joining the
> cooker list so I don't know if that has been fixed. Specifically, when
> rebooting or shutting down, I would get an "illegal seek" on hda7 while
> trying to unmount, then it would say "not mounted", followed by "init:
> no more processes left on this runlevel". Of course, since all the
> processes are gone (I wonder why), the machine never halts or reboots.
> The other thing was that the Aurora (if that's what it's still called)
> graphical boot thing did not work. These problems happened on two
> completely different machines (a compaq and a dell, different video
> cards, etc) so it's gotta be a bug. Plus, I tried a Voodoo Banshee on
> the dell afterwards while trying to get the graphical thing to
> work--what happened instead was lots of garbage on the screen (somehow
> it didn't sense that whatever mode it was trying to pass would not
> work). I had to disable that manually from the lilo conf.
> Finally, what is the state of Intel i845 Video support? I know it's a
> fairly new chip...I never got it to go above 640x480 16bit (which was
> why I put in that banshee, but I still have 7 other machines with it).
> I am suspecting the problem here is actually related to the fact that
> it shares memory with the system (doesn't have its own memory) and the
> driver may be having trouble deciphering amount of video memory (wild
> guess, may be wildly wrong).
> Ibukun
> On Wed 25 Sep 2002, St?phane Teletch?a wrote:
>> Le Mercredi 25 Septembre 2002 13:58, Binoj Ramesh a ?crit :
>> > I am not able to shut down my computer properly
>> > without a restart at the end. During shutdown
>> > everything is proper (no process is failing) except
>> > that it freezes after saying power down.
>> >
>> >
>> > Binoj
>> >
>> > __________________________________________________
>> > Do you Yahoo!?
>> > New DSL Internet Access from SBC & Yahoo!
>> >
>> Same as i post previously.
>> You have to manually power off the computer. Or, as suggested by  Rolf
>>  Pedersen :
>> Thinking, from memory, your hardware is, in respects, similar to mine
>> (Iwill XP333R, hpt372 onboard), I suggest that I must rebuild a
>> kernel,  changing only to the following switch, to be able to power
>> down w/o a  kernel panic:
>> Stef
> --
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