I'm surpised! I installed 9.0 this morning with / as a normal ReiserFS
partition, a swap partition and an LVM partition that spanned the remainder
of the disk plus two other disks. I have the same set of partitions on my
LVM volume (although the sizes are different - much larger disks) and had no
problems. I only used the installer.

However at one time I did have a problem with LVM (must have been about Beta
3 or 4) which Pixel though he had fixed. It was OK for me afterwards, but
maybe I did'nt test it well enough.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Frederic Soulier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2002 8:32 PM
Subject: [Cooker] LM9.0: Setting up LVM

> Hi
> I have been trying to setup LM9.0 using LVM with no success so far...
> The box is a vanilla Dell 4100 with a 20Gb HD, 256MB Ram & P3 933MHz
> The first pbm is that / cannot be part of the LVM... (had no pbm having
> / part of the LVM on RH (null) and Gentoo.
> Scenario A
> ----------
>   1) ran fdisk /dev/hda from tomsrtbt and created
>        - a Linux extended partition (0x85) containing:
>             swap    700Mb
>             /boot    30Mb               Linux native (0x82)
>             /       250Mb               Linux native (0x82)
>             LVM     remaining of space (0x8e)
>   2) started the LM installer
>   3) during the partitioning step:
>        - changed the / type (0x82) to ReiserFS
>        - selected the LVM "Add to LVM" and named it "lv1"
>          (a new tab "lv1" appeared alongside "hda")
>        - selected the "lv1" tab
>        - created the following for the LVM:
>             - /usr    5500Mb       ReiserFS
>             - /home   3500Mb       ReiserFS
>             - /opt    2500Mb       ReiserFS
>             - /var    4200Mb       ReiserFS
>             - /tmp    1200Mb       ReiserFS
>        - clicked "done"
>        - Selected all partitions to be formatted incl. extra checks
>          for bad blocks for the swap and /boot
>        - made a prayer and clicked ok
> after a while I get an error that /dev/hda7 (/ in this scenario) cannot
> be formatted...
> Tried to go back and clear all the partitions to start again and I got
> error msgs "lvremove failed" (or something equivalent).
> Tried to backtrack evenmore until drakdisk was up shit creek.
> Rebooted under tomsrtbt and cleaned up all partitions then tried again
> using only drakdisk from a clean disk, the bloody thing would not even
> create the LVM (0x8e) partition...
> Tried again with partioning from fdisk (tomsrtbt) and using same
> partitioning as above with linux native type instead of ReiserFS, no
> more success...
> So basically, If someone had success setting up LVM in LM9.0 using only
> drakdisk or a combination of fdisk/drakdisk then I'd like to hear from
> you :)
> I cannot believe it's not working so maybe I'm not using drakdisk
> correctly.
> I've got a laptop using LVM from a RH (null) install and another box
> using LVM from a Gentoo install (this box has 3 HDs) and both
> installation worked 1st time.
> What is wrong with drakdisk or with me ;)
> Ideas, suggestions much appreciated. Thanks.
> /Fred

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