söndagen den 6 oktober 2002 14.03 skrev John Allen:
> Well I'm getting something similar. On my setup I have 2 drives, and old
> 13G IBM, and a new 123G IBM. I keep getting hdb: dma_intr errors as per
> yourself, but then it disables DMA on hda, and I no longer get the hdb
> dma_intr errors.

One of my raid disks has fallen out too (one year old ibm disk bought in a 
batch), so I don't really know what has happened in my case... I have to 
investigate this further this week.

> Anybody care to explain why DMA on the master is being disabled when the
> dma_intr errors are apparently occuring on the slave?
> Oden Eriksson wrote:
> >Hi.
> >
> >After some continous degradation in hdd performance I finally found what
> > was causing it...
> >
> >---[snip] ---
> >Oct  4 04:15:01 hostname kernel: hda: dma_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady
> >SeekComplete Error }
> >Oct  4 04:15:01 hostname kernel: hda: dma_intr: error=0x10 {
> > SectorIdNotFound }, LBAsect=4105991, sector=9328
> >
> >
> >Setting "USE_DMA=0" in "/etc/sysconfig/harddisks" made these errors go
> > away...
> >
> >Has there been a crucial change in the kernel build config since the last
> > 3 months or so that I have missed? I have had this working before without
> > these problems... I'm curious...

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