On Monday 07 October 2002 03:08, Stew Benedict wrote:
> On Mon, 7 Oct 2002, Brent Hasty wrote:
> > One of the first things I have noticed after logging my user in on a
> > terminal into KDE is that the terminal under MDK Terminal Server shows
> > and runs with the resources of the terminal.  The terminal being a
> > P166mmx with a meer 72MB of ram is a real dog to load and run KDE 3.
> >
> > On the contrary
> >
> > This same terminal using LTSP runs at the speed of and shows the hardware
> > resources of the server.  (that is one of the most endeering
> > characteristics of using a terminal server IMO).  The ability to use
> > retired systems as displays yet the user gets to work at and with the
> > muscle of the server.
> >
> > It seems this may not be the case in the way that the MDK Terminal Server
> > is implemented.  Is this true?
> Correct, you are booting the kernel and running all apps locally on the
> client machine.
> > Using MDK Terminal Server, do the users on the terminals work at that
> > terminals native speed?
> >
> > Or do they get to do thier work with the muscle of the server?
> The server is providing nfs services only.  The other side of the coin is
> running the apps on the server side generates quite a bit of network
> traffic.
> Stew Benedict
well that is unfortunate :(

Network traffic is not a problem here for me, high end hardware expense at 
the workstation is.

I have gigabit on the server broken down to 100 per client through a 
gigabit/100tx switch this subnetwork in our office is dedicated to the 
purpose of the terminal server.  Fro Total Cost of Ownership it is important 
that we run, i guess it is called, fat clients where the apps run on the big 
iron in the server room, allowing us to leverage our antique hardware into 
somthing usefull...  I would dread approaching the board and asking we 
upgrade 200 workstations to 750 mhz plus systems to get the performance our 
users have become accustomed to...

Sounds like, unless there is any other way to get things running on the 
server using MDK 9's implementation of terminal services?
I will have to go back to LTSP for my needs.

At least that is the nice thing about Linux, choices....

Thanks for putting the terminals services together for mdk 9 regardless, as 
to be expected it setup with reasonable mdk ease ;-)

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