On Wed, Oct 09, 2002 at 04:38:14AM +1000, Ron Stodden wrote:
> Also, the 9.0 MakeCD off a downloaded tree may try and include those 
> things not in the Mandrake CDs, possibly requiring a 4th CD blank, which 
> Mandrake did not want to do.

Umm Ron MakeCD will let you specify the exact number of CDs you want.
So if you don't want a 4th CD tell it not to make it.  

> English-speaking users of our troels... downloading script have an 
> advantage here, because only English components of the 9.0 tree are 
> downloaded and the 9.0 MakeCD only needs 3 blanks to include everything, 
> with space to spare:
> -rw-r--r--    1 ron      ron      680755200 Oct  1 01:20 1-Cooker.iso
> -rw-r--r--    1 ron      ron      699269120 Oct  1 01:24 2-Cooker.iso
> -rw-r--r--    1 ron      ron      159612928 Oct  1 01:24 3-Cooker.iso

Not necessarily.  The Mandrake ISOs leave a bunch of space free on the
3rd CD so they can put some commercial stuff on them for their 3CD boxed
set.  So even if you include the international stuff there's still
plenty of room for additional things.

I'm really not sure what you're calling "everything" there.


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