Frederic Soulier wrote:
FS> 3) What is the status for wlan-ng (prism2 stuff) and LM9.0?
FS> Can wlan-ng be installed alongside LM9.0 and a normal distribution of
FS> pcmcia-cs?

You don't need a different version of pcmcis-cs -- the prism2_cs
driver from wlan-ng is included in the Mandrake kernel packages as of
9.0. You do need the configuration utilities from wlan-ng, which are
not included. I have packaged them here:

[The second is the source RPM, included as a subtle hint to the cooker
developers-- you don't need it.] 

To use the driver with PCMCIA cards:
(1) install prism2-utils
(2) edit /etc/pcmcia/wlan-ng.opts with your network settings,
(3) make sure you have an /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-wlan0
(probably you already have ifcfg-eth0 to use as a guide).
(4) Then, "service pcmcia restart" and you should be in business.

By the way, plx-based PCI cards work too, with a similar procedure:
(1) install prism2-utils,
(2) edit /etc/wlan.conf with your network settings,
(3) make sure you have an /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-wlan0
(probably you already have ifcfg-eth0 to use as a guide).
(4) add one line to /etc/modules.conf:
"alias wlan0 prism2_plx"(4) "chkconfig --add wlan".
(5) start the driver. The easiest way would be to reboot, but you
could instead make sure any other driver (like orinoco_plx) is unloaded
first, and then run "service wlan start; service network restart".

Aaron Peromsik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ----[For thinner oatmeal, add more water.] 

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