My LM9.0 SMP server locked up hard this evening, and I couldn't get it
to boot and stay up.

Booting into single-user and (after some research) doing "df -i" showed
650K out of 650K inodes in use. I tracked them down to
/var/spool/cups/tmp. There were many, many, gs_* files there. (I wrote a
script to remove them and it's been at it for several hours. Release 80K
so far).

I found many instances of the following in the logs:

Oct 14 12:21:48 neuron ptal-mlcd: ERROR at ExMgr.cpp:2469,
dev=<mlc:usb:officejet_d_series@/dev/usb/lp[0-9]*>, pid=1271,
e=2         Couldn't find device: llioOpenOne failed!

This error appears when cups is running but the officejet is turned off
or unplugged. I'm guessing the inodes problem and the cups error are
related. Thoughts?

ars Cognita   Richard Tango-Lowy
              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
              603 424-0713

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