On Wed, 2002-10-16 at 10:59, Todd Lyons wrote:
> Richard Tango-Lowy wrote on Tue, Oct 15, 2002 at 10:51:21PM -0400 :
> > My LM9.0 SMP server locked up hard this evening, and I couldn't get it
> > to boot and stay up.
> > 
> > Booting into single-user and (after some research) doing "df -i" showed
> > 650K out of 650K inodes in use. I tracked them down to
> > /var/spool/cups/tmp. There were many, many, gs_* files there. (I wrote a
> > script to remove them and it's been at it for several hours. Release 80K
> > so far).
> cd /var/spool/cups/tmp
> find . -exec rm -f {} \;
> Don't do -rf because it will try to remove . and .. and that could be a
> bit of a problem :)  The above command seems like it should work faster
> because it won't try to sort the directory entries.
> Blue skies...                 Todd
> -- 

Todd -  I've always done -Rf and not had trouble with . and .. although
the man page says there is no difference between the two (-r and -R) if
I'm in say /home/mydir/tmp and do rm -Rf * . and .. don't get touched.
nor does any other . file.  If I do rm -Rf .*  it gives the message that
. and .. can't be removed.  (Yes I'm gutsy... used to play a game called
geeks roulette. cd to a directory ... do rm -Rf * then cntrl C real
fast, first person who doesn't get a bootable (no matter how crippled)
system gets to babysit the new install/data restore.)

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