Combelles, Christophe (MED, ALTEN) wrote:

>> Don't expect mdk to rape KDE like Redhat did, at least I hope not. I don't think spending time theming is important. KDE 3.1 is themed very nicely with beautiful icons and keramik theme already, I'd rather see mandrake continue to focus on bringing quality, stable and complete/compatible apps and libs.
> Maybe kde and gnome should at least have two or three themes in common, to be able to have a minimum unified look if wanted.
ay! I second that, making a unified theme does not rape anything, you still have the possibility to don't use it, as with mandrake's menu's, alot of people seem to criticize these(eg. mosfet*grmbl*), but you have the CHOICE to disable these features, and as far as I know you don't have to use the bluecurve stuff in RH. I don't think people should start bashing other people just for doing something different when you still have the choice to revert back, this reminds me of those who thinks that mandrake = windows because you have all the gui's available, but *noone* forces you to use them, nor install them...
So I think it's a good idea to add things like this, as long as you have the possibility to revert back.

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