On Fri, 2002-10-18 at 18:09, Igor Izyumin wrote:
> Actually, it would be an order of magnitude less confusing.  People don't 
> really understand why KDE is not an integral part of Mandrake, and they 
> expect all the tools to be in one place.  It is very confusing when you have 
> a fonts panel in the Kde Control Center and one in MCC and you don't know 
> which one to use.

If people understand the difference between KDE and Mandrake, it will no
be confusing, i.e. Mandrake tools for system (install/remove fonts), and
KDE tools for KDE (aliasing, font sizes).  My point was that it's good
for people to learn this difference.  Unless of course KDE and Mandrake
someday DO become one product, then I'll stop using it.  :-)
And what if they decide to switch to gnome.  They will have an instantly
biased view against gnome because the font tools are not all in one
place.  Same with IceWM or whatever.  And it won't be gnome's fault at
all, it will be Mandrake's.

> Another possibility is to get rid of the control center and make a folder 
> called 'control panel' where we put both the drak* tools and the KDE config 
> things.  It would look kinda like Windows's control panel. 

Now this is a much better idea.  Group similar concepts together.  That
way if you have gnome installed, gnome tools show up in MCC (or whatever
it's called), and KDE tools as well.  Again though, this may confuse
people... eg. why do I have to be su to change MY font size?...

I still think educating the user in a very intuitive way is a better
idea that handing out an easy solution (read: cover-up) that won't help
him at all on another distro, or another machine, or another version of
I think better documentation, more obvious documentation, and maybe more
intuitive access to the 'control' tools is a better idea.
Like I said earlier, it doesn't take much to make a newbie into a major
linux (and/or Mandrake) supporter, but he's unlikely to do so without
learning a FEW unix concepts...

IMHO anyway,

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