I do think it is idiot not allowing to some contributors that want to support their packages to do it.
However it is obviously touchy it this seems to be part of Mandrake official support policy. At present the "unsupported" directory will quite fit to these goal. However it is right now quite messy. As a consequence I propose one of the following solution: - either to create a sub dir call updates in the unsupported directory, that will contains the updates made by contributors or mandrakiens for security fixeson unsupported packges. - or to let them directly access to the unsupported subdir, which is more or less already a kind of unsupported updates directory (the only thing is that it can contains several version of the the same package compiled with different options, that is why I propose the first solution). This will be done alongside with a 9.0 and maybe 8.2 compilation environment on the contributors compilation machine and adequate upload scripts. -- Warly