On Tue, 29 Oct 2002, David Walluck wrote:

> Buchan Milne wrote:
> > The single-click doesn't expand trees is a seperate issue (bug, IMHO, and
> > I will report it as such in bugzilla nezt time I have a chance ...). It
> > doesn't change the fact that some things are near impossible to do with
> > single-click the first time, and doing them a second time may mean waiting
> > for OpenOffice.org to start up! Much more wasted time than having to click
> > again ...
> OpenOffice.org what? I don't see your point here.

After clicking on a file in Konqueror that they wanted to copy-and-paste
to floppy ...

> I wouldn't mind double-click, but
> a.) the install should provide a choice (the KDE first time wizard does
> this, but Mandrake's tools I don't know, plus the KDE first time wizard
> wants to run *every time*. What's up with that?)

IMHO, this is bug material for drakfirsttime

> b.) fix the treeview the way I want it. Personally, I've wanted double
> click, not so much for the desktop, but in the file manager. It is so
> difficult to select files with single click.
> But what's always stopped me from enabling double-click is that
> treeviews in KDE seems really slow, and the double click does not help.
> If people say this is the default behavior in Windows, tell me where,
> because I've never seen it. Why would you want to navigate a tree and
> have the resulting pane remain blank the whole time? Shouldn't the pane
> just change when the tree item is selected?

This is the KDE-bug. Does Bugzilla have voting working yet???


|----------------Registered Linux User #182071-----------------|
Buchan Milne                Mechanical Engineer, Network Manager
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