On Saturday 02 November 2002 23:42, Gary Greene wrote:
> On Saturday 02 November 2002 04:33 pm, Alex Chudnovsky wrote:
> > On Saturday 02 November 2002 22:47, David Walser wrote:
> > > Works for me.  Only exception is when using over
> > > remote X and flash is called, then it hangs.  If I
> > > killall nspluginviewer I'm back in business.
> >
> > I can't kill it, that's a problem. And the X is local, not remote.
> Tried a kill -15 on it? That should stop it (hopefully.)
No, that doesn't help. It's  impossible to kill a process in uninterruptible 
sleep state. The process is waiting for some I/O that just never finishes. 
And I would give much to know which I/O it is waiting for and whether there 
is some way to remove this process altogether by some other means than 


Alex Chudnovsky
ICQ : 35559910

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