* Stardate: 2002-11-05 23:41
* Incoming subspace signal from "Guillaume Cottenceau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>" :

> Maxim Heijndijk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > The postfix initscript no longer updates virtual.db and
> > transport.db. Is this intentional ??
> I'm maitainer for it but I don't know it much (we lack
> maintainers for servers packages).
> Can you tell me what's behind the "no longer" (e.g. when did it
> di it), and show me the diff between the one which did and the
> one which no longer does?

postfix-20010228-20mdk.i586.rpm from 8.2 and postfix-1.1.11-4mdk.i586.rpm from Cooker.

This should fix things:

for I in access canonical relocated transport virtual; do

        if [ -f /etc/postfix/$I ] ; then

                /usr/sbin/postmap hash:/etc/postfix/$I < /etc/postfix/$I



Best regards, M@X.

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System is up  3:33
< # postfix       This shell script takes care of starting and stopping
< #               postfix.
> # postfix      Postfix Mail Transfer Agent
< #
< # description: Postfix is a Mail Transport Agent, which is the program
> # description: Postfix is a Mail Transport Agent, which is the program \
> # processname: master
> # pidfile: /var/spool/postfix/pid/master.pid
> # config: /etc/postfix/main.cf
> # config: /etc/postfix/master.cf
> #
> # Based on startup script from Simon J Mudd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> # 25/02/99: Mostly s/sendmail/postfix/g by John A. Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> # 23/11/00: Changes & suggestions by Ajay Ramaswamy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> # 20/01/01: Changes to fall in line with RedHat 7.0 style
> # 23/02/01: Fix a few untidy problems with help from Daniel Roesen.
< [ -f /usr/sbin/postfix ] || exit 0
> [ -x /usr/sbin/postfix ] || exit 0
> [ -d /etc/postfix ] || exit 0
> [ -d /var/spool/postfix ] || exit 0
< # See how we were called.
< case "$1" in
<   start)
> start() {
<       newaliases
<       for I in access canonical relocated transport virtual
<       do
<       if [ -f /etc/postfix/$I ] ; then
<          /usr/sbin/postmap hash:/etc/postfix/$I < /etc/postfix/$I
>       if [ ! -e /var/spool/postfix/etc/resolv.conf ]; then
>               cp -f /etc/resolv.conf /var/spool/postfix/etc
<       done
<       /usr/sbin/postfix start 2>/dev/null
<       echo postfix
<       touch /var/lock/subsys/postfix
>       /usr/sbin/postalias /etc/postfix/aliases
>       /usr/sbin/postfix start 2>/dev/null 1>&2 && success || failure
>       RETVAL=$?
>       [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && touch /var/lock/subsys/postfix
>         echo
>       return $RETVAL
> }
> stop() {
>         # Stop daemons.
>       gprintf "Shutting down postfix: "
>       /usr/sbin/postfix stop 2>/dev/null 1>&2 && success || failure
>       RETVAL=$?
>       [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && rm -f /var/lock/subsys/postfix
>       echo
>       return $RETVAL
> }
> reload() {
>       gprintf "Reloading postfix: "
>       /usr/sbin/postfix reload 2>/dev/null 1>&2 && success || failure
>       RETVAL=$?
>       echo
>       return $RETVAL
> }
> abort() {
>       /usr/sbin/postfix abort 2>/dev/null 1>&2 && success || failure
>       return $?
> }
> flush() {
>       /usr/sbin/postfix flush 2>/dev/null 1>&2 && success || failure
>       return $?
> }
> check() {
>       /usr/sbin/postfix check 2>/dev/null 1>&2 && success || failure
>       return $?
> }
> restart() {
>       stop
>       start
> }
> # See how we were called.
> case "$1" in
>   start)
>       start
<       # Stop daemons.
<       gprintf "Shutting down postfix: "
<       /usr/sbin/postfix stop 2>/dev/null
<       echo postfix
<       rm -f /var/lock/subsys/postfix
>       stop
<       $0 stop
<       $0 start
>       stop
>       start
<       /usr/sbin/postfix reload
>       reload
>       ;;
>   abort)
>       abort
>       ;;
>   flush)
>       flush
>       ;;
>   check)
>       check
<       status master
>       status master
>       ;;
>   condrestart)
>       [ -f /var/lock/subsys/postfix ] && restart || :
<       gprintf "Usage: %s {start|stop|restart|reload|status}\n" "$0"
>       gprintf "Usage: postfix 
< exit 0
> exit $?

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