* Stardate: 2002-11-05 15:59
* Incoming subspace signal from "Todd Lyons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>" :

> Maxim Heijndijk wrote on Wed, Nov 06, 2002 at 12:49:55AM +0100 :

> These diffs are so much easier to read if you do 'diff -ruN'.  Give it a
> shot and it will be easy on the eyes.


Best regards, M@X.

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System is up  4:53
--- postfix-8.2 2002-02-22 00:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ postfix-cooker      2002-09-17 15:56:00.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,12 +1,20 @@
-# postfix       This shell script takes care of starting and stopping
-#               postfix.
+# postfix      Postfix Mail Transfer Agent
 # chkconfig: 2345 80 30
-# description: Postfix is a Mail Transport Agent, which is the program
+# description: Postfix is a Mail Transport Agent, which is the program \
 #              that moves mail from one machine to another.
+# processname: master
+# pidfile: /var/spool/postfix/pid/master.pid
+# config: /etc/postfix/main.cf
+# config: /etc/postfix/master.cf
+# Based on startup script from Simon J Mudd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+# 25/02/99: Mostly s/sendmail/postfix/g by John A. Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+# 23/11/00: Changes & suggestions by Ajay Ramaswamy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+# 20/01/01: Changes to fall in line with RedHat 7.0 style
+# 23/02/01: Fix a few untidy problems with help from Daniel Roesen.
 # Source function library.
 . /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
@@ -17,44 +25,97 @@
 # Check that networking is up.
 [ ${NETWORKING} = "no" ] && exit 0
-[ -f /usr/sbin/postfix ] || exit 0
+[ -x /usr/sbin/postfix ] || exit 0
+[ -d /etc/postfix ] || exit 0
+[ -d /var/spool/postfix ] || exit 0
-# See how we were called.
-case "$1" in
-  start)
+start() {
        # Start daemons.
        gprintf "Starting postfix: "
-       newaliases
-       for I in access canonical relocated transport virtual
-       do
-       if [ -f /etc/postfix/$I ] ; then
-          /usr/sbin/postmap hash:/etc/postfix/$I < /etc/postfix/$I
+       if [ ! -e /var/spool/postfix/etc/resolv.conf ]; then
+               cp -f /etc/resolv.conf /var/spool/postfix/etc
-       done
-       /usr/sbin/postfix start 2>/dev/null
-       echo postfix
-       touch /var/lock/subsys/postfix
+       /usr/sbin/postalias /etc/postfix/aliases
+       /usr/sbin/postfix start 2>/dev/null 1>&2 && success || failure
+       RETVAL=$?
+       [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && touch /var/lock/subsys/postfix
+        echo
+       return $RETVAL
+stop() {
+        # Stop daemons.
+       gprintf "Shutting down postfix: "
+       /usr/sbin/postfix stop 2>/dev/null 1>&2 && success || failure
+       RETVAL=$?
+       [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && rm -f /var/lock/subsys/postfix
+       echo
+       return $RETVAL
+reload() {
+       gprintf "Reloading postfix: "
+       /usr/sbin/postfix reload 2>/dev/null 1>&2 && success || failure
+       RETVAL=$?
+       echo
+       return $RETVAL
+abort() {
+       /usr/sbin/postfix abort 2>/dev/null 1>&2 && success || failure
+       return $?
+flush() {
+       /usr/sbin/postfix flush 2>/dev/null 1>&2 && success || failure
+       return $?
+check() {
+       /usr/sbin/postfix check 2>/dev/null 1>&2 && success || failure
+       return $?
+restart() {
+       stop
+       start
+# See how we were called.
+case "$1" in
+  start)
+       start
-       # Stop daemons.
-       gprintf "Shutting down postfix: "
-       /usr/sbin/postfix stop 2>/dev/null
-       echo postfix
-       rm -f /var/lock/subsys/postfix
+       stop
-       $0 stop
-       $0 start
+       stop
+       start
-       /usr/sbin/postfix reload
+       reload
+       ;;
+  abort)
+       abort
+       ;;
+  flush)
+       flush
+       ;;
+  check)
+       check
-       status master
+       status master
+       ;;
+  condrestart)
+       [ -f /var/lock/subsys/postfix ] && restart || :
-       gprintf "Usage: %s {start|stop|restart|reload|status}\n" "$0"
+       gprintf "Usage: postfix 
        exit 1
-exit 0
+exit $?

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