On Wed, 6 Nov 2002, Brian Smith wrote:

> > Could anybody throw me a bone and let me know what I need
> > to do to get qt to compile with the new Xft?
> I've just finished getting the latest qt3 from Cooker to
> compile with Xft2. I had to make some tweaks to the
> configure script to get it all to play nicely together.
> Here's what you need to do, assuming you've already
> installed the Mandrake source RPM:
> 1) Copy the attached qt-3.1.0-fix-xft.patch.bz2 file to
> /usr/src/RPM/SOURCES

I hope you are not building as root (bad idea in general), and it's a bad
idea to encourage others to do so, so maybe when referring to rpm
directories, you can refer to them by their macro name:

cp qt-2.1.0-fix-xfs.patch.bz2 `rpm --eval "%_sourcedir"`

(BTW, I mean in general , to the list, not you individually)

> 2) cd to /usr/src/RPM/SPECS and apply the attached
> qt3.spec.patch.bz2 file to your qt3.spec file:
> # bzip2 -dc qt3.spec.patch.bz2 | patch -p0

cd `rpm --eval "%_specdir"

> 3) Rebuild the packages from the new spec file:
> # rpm -ba qt3.spec
> 4) Profit!!!  Well, maybe not. The resulting packages work
> OK for me, your mileage may vary. I'm using the latest
> freetype-devel, libXft2-devel, and fontconfig-devel
> packages from Cooker.
> --
> Brian Smith

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