On Thursday 07 November 2002 05:12 am, Wim Horst wrote:
> Op maandag 4 november 2002 23:35, schreef Leon Brooks:
>> Question for those on the list who still use Windows for soem things
>> (e.g. work desktop):

>>     What would you like carried across into Linux?

> easy installation of programs
> Lets take gstreamer
> In this list i read something about it. Tryed to install it. Toke me 2
> hours because off all the dependencys. Some libs i did not find. I am not a
> total fool installing this kind of programs. The averidge pc/windows user
> just wants to try and install a program.

I suspect that the way to do this is to have a facility like RPMfind which 
integrates all of the disparate efforts like PLF, Texstar and so on.

However, that suggests another thing, if not already done: would it be 
possible to fake up WINE enough that new Windows apps appear automagically in 
the Mandrake menu system when they're installed? (And disappear when they're 

Cheers; Leon

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