Michael Holt wrote:
On Thu, 7 Nov 2002, Wim Horst wrote:

I am still trying to convince my kids to use linux. They dont buy it. They learned how to use windows and do not want to put much effort in learning how to work with linux. To fool them, programs must resemble those of windows and should not need ( much ) configuration. So the problem is, because they are used to windows linux has to be even more user friendly ( and faster ).
Nevertheless i agree with you mandrake has don a lot and things are getting better rapidly.

Not everyone is going to use Linux. My mom's computer runs windows 98 and one day, she got an error message while trying to print something and then it just started printing page after page of raw data - jiberish to her - certainly not the picture she had wanted to print. Earlier that day, I had printed some stuff from her computer and so I bought some paper to replace the paper I had used. She was CONVINCED that the error was caused by "that paper I bought". I also got my mom to switch from aol to verizon dsl - she swears that she's never had so much problem with aol and I went to see if I could help her with her problem. She somehow managed to make the default windows "page not found" error her permanent home page. Now I'm not trying to make my mom look dumb, but there are definitly different levels of users out there and you are just NOT going to be able to appease all of them. Sometimes you just have to say "read the manual"

I agree myself, my comment wasn't meant to completely emulate windows, but to indicate the ease of use/install that most windows users are accustomed to. to actually implement it would be to move away from where my impression of Mandrake says that they want to be.

I've had a few people on graphics community sites say that linux is to hard to work with, but it was from around early 1990's that they looked at linux. when I send them a screenshot of KDE ( from MDK8.2 ) they are shocked that it isn't all console. ~lol~
(don't want to show them a screenshot of KDE3 yet to much like windows )

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