Per Øyvind Karlsen wrote:

Sitsofe Wheeler wrote:

On Sat, 9 Nov 2002, Charles A Edwards wrote:

On Sat, 09 Nov 2002 06:22:03 +0100
Per Øyvind Karlsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

SDL initialized.
Couldn't set GL mode: Couldn't find matching GLX visual
Runs fine for me with an ATI Radeon 64DDR amd Mesa, but fails with the same error on a system with a GeForce2 am the NVIDIA drivers.

Check the depth that you run X at. I know one program (praxium I think) that will only run if your X's depth is 24bit (I usually use 16bit myself).

ah, that seemed to do the trick for glx games, but still, alot of sdl games segfaults, eg. abuse_sdl alephone, etcetc.
maybe I've screwed up somewhere, oh well, I'm gonna to a fresh reinstall soon, things has become a little messy since I did fresh install last time in 2000:o)

still won't work, alot of SDL games still segfaults, could someone confirm that I'm not the only one having these problems?
Some games that segfaults is:
abuse(crashes before you even get into the game)
alephone( same here
quake2(crashes after a few sec, not in cooker, but still related as it uses sdl;)
sdl blocks(crashes after a few sec)
freecraft(somewhat stable, but still crashes at some places in the game, running cvs version, other freecraft users(non-mdk users) does'nt seem to have these problems)
sdlbomber(does'nt even segfaults, just hangs)

I've experienced this with other sdl games too, but I don't remember which and I've just done a fresh install so I don't have alot of games installed now, but that all these games crashes should prove that there's something wrong with SDL...
someone, please confirm

Mvh Per Øyvind Karlsen
Delonic Technology Group AS
Sysadmin, developer, greasemonkey - +47 41681061

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