I just saw, with a fresh cooker install, that folders icons in K menu are in a 
bigger format, which is better for navigation and design. 
I saw too that there is too many items, I think, in the main K menu ( 19 + 
last used apps !!!). 
What can be do in order to simplify the K main menu and enhance coherency of 
the user interface : 
que faire/what do ? 
kde control center -> move to configuration menu / remove (items are already 
in configuration menu) 
configure panel -> right click on K or task bar do the same -> remove 
personal files -> home directory is quick accessible both in desktop and task 
bar -> remove 
find files 
printing management -> configuration menu 
info center -> is already in configuration menu -> remove 
kmenuedit -> is already in configuration menu / accessible by right click in 
task bar -> remove 
quick browser -> can be renamed "browse files" 
run command 
lock screen -> were in task bar next the hour, it was better 
logout user -> idem 
Thanks to have read it ;) 

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