> > one other idea, is that we may put every config file in cvs.
> Like this:
> http://jamsb.austms.org.au/cdrom/images/S2_2002/Blue/USQ/csc2405/sysad-doc/
Exactly what i said . 

I have talked about this idea with a friend after seeing someone who put his 
home in CVS ( Linux Journal issue 100, sept 2002 ). But we did nothing.
It could be great to be added to a whole distribution.

Another benefit would be the capacity to easyly propagate the configuration 
change to a lot of computer.

You just need to check the configuration on one computer, and then do a 
commit, and tag it as "stable", with a correct networked cvs server.

Just put a "cvs update config" in a cron job on each, , and, you can be sure 
that all computers will be updated at the same time.

> I have always thought a nice way to handle the rpmnew situation was
> that RPM would keep a pristine copy of all of the config files for
> currently installed packages tucked away somewhere out of the reach of
> the user.  Then when a package is upgraded, if any config files from
> the "to-be-upgraded" version of the package were modified, before the
> new package is installed and the pristine copy of the config file is
> replaced with one from the new package, a diff is made between the
> current in-place config file and the pristine copy.
> Then when the package to be upgraded is installed, the diff that was
> made just previously is applied to newly installed config file.  If it
> goes in cleanly, all is well, if not, a warning is given and the file
> is left in a "conflicted state".
> The latter portion of this is the ugly part.
This not more ugly than the actual solution.
Instead of letting the file in a conflicted state, just do as we do now, ie, 
ask the user, or choose between the old files or the newer one.
It could only be better.


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