--- Original Message ---
From: "Brian J. Murrell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Cooker] Re: vi in gnome-term loses arrow keys

>On Mon, Dec 02, 2002 at 02:59:48PM -0500, Quel Qun wrote:
>> Hi,
>> This may not be specific to Mandrake, but after using
>> gnome-terminal for a while, I cannot navigate in vi with the
>> arrow keys anymore.
>Do you actually stop and read the bugs that are posted from
>qa.mandrakesoft.com before posting this here?  Did you actually use
>qa.mandrakesoft.com to even search for this bug?  Try this search
>If you did, then why did you not just vote for bug 568
>(https://qa.mandrakesoft.com/show_bug.cgi?id=3D568) rather than
>a duplicate bug report here?  If you want this bug fixed you have to
>go vote for it!
>People, Mandrake have put a tool in place to help file bugs and help
>us give input as to what is important, and what is not.  The
tool will
>not work if we do no use it.
Take it easy, buddy.

First you removed why I wrote this message: my question. I know
some other people reported the problem, but since there is
obviously no change, I was asking what we can do to help find the
real cause. I just find it weird that the keys only stop working
after some time.

Second, it seems that we can only vote for one bug at a time. If
I try to vote for two different bugs I receive a crappy error
message. Additionally, the pages take far too long to load. When
a problem is confirmed, that should be enough. If the number of
votes creates a hierachy, I will create 100 accounts and vote for
my own reports.

Finally, I am not sure, as I say, that it is a Mandrake bug. I am
even quite sure it is a gnome-terminal problem, so the report has
nothing to do in Mandrake's database.

Let's not start a war, ok?

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