On Monday 30 December 2002 09:29 am, Sascha Noyes wrote:
> OK, I set that variable to 20 seconds. However, the real problem is still
> not solved. Now, instead of waiting for 60 seconds, I can wait 20 seconds
> for _any_ program to start when I am not connected. The only solution that

I got it! I was looking in the network server startup script but... anyway... 
Here is what I think you should do. Edit your 
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethX file to contain: "ONBOOT=no"

Next take whatever manual dhcp command you would execute (for me this is 
'dhclient eth0') and put this at the end of rc.local with an ampersand after 
it so it doesn't block. 

dhclient eth0 &

Note that rc.local is executed after all other scripts so you might want to 
move this somewhere else if it does not run early enough for you... 

Jason B.

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