Le Lundi 30 Décembre 2002 12:36, Sascha Noyes a écrit :
> Hi,
> Yes, the box is a laptop. It is sometimes connected to a broadband gateway
> which gives out an IP address via DHCP, but sometimes not. If it is
> disconnected everything (as Brook Humphrey noted) runs extremely slowly. I
> did: "chkconfig --level 2345 network off", but this only turned off
> networking on the next boot.
You must use chkconfig --del network to permanently prevent network at boot.
Then use service network start/stop manually to launch/shutdown the network.

However, this is not the perfect solution, as you still need loopback for most 
applications. My personal solution is to have a network profile with loopback 
only for when i'm roaming, and to switch between different profiles with 
When you finally buy enough memory, you will not have enough disk space. 
        -- Murphy's Computer Laws n°3

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