Oden Eriksson wrote:

I'm trying to build MySQL-3.23.54a-1mdk on my ML9.0 system at home, but it hangs at:

perl -w ./Support/generate-mirror-listing.pl manual.texi > ../MIRRORS

I was however able to build it on another similar system..., I can't figure out what's wrong...

Just got the same problem and found the cause - there's a missing '<' stdin redirection operator in the Docs Makefile, so the perl script is waiting indefinitely for input.

The attached patch needs to be applied to Docs/Makefile.in. It should be in a suitable format to be bzipped and added to the spec.

N.B. The MIRRORS file will only contain 1 line once created, since there are no mirrors listed in the manual.texi input file.
Mark Scott
--- mysql-3.23.54a/Docs/Makefile.in.MIRRORS     2002-12-05 09:37:22.000000000 +0000
+++ mysql-3.23.54a/Docs/Makefile.in     2003-01-02 21:11:16.000000000 +0000
@@ -546,7 +546,7 @@
        perl -w $(GT) mysql.info "LGPL license" "Function Index" > $@
 ../MIRRORS:            manual.texi $(srcdir)/Support/generate-mirror-listing.pl
-       perl -w $(srcdir)/Support/generate-mirror-listing.pl manual.texi > $@
+       perl -w $(srcdir)/Support/generate-mirror-listing.pl < manual.texi > $@
 # Don't update the files from bitkeeper

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