Oden Eriksson wrote:
torsdagen den 2 januari 2003 22.25 skrev Mark Scott:

Oden Eriksson wrote:


I'm trying to build MySQL-3.23.54a-1mdk on my ML9.0 system at home, but
it hangs at:

perl -w ./Support/generate-mirror-listing.pl manual.texi > ../MIRRORS

I was however able to build it on another similar system..., I can't
figure out what's wrong...
Just got the same problem and found the cause - there's a missing '<'
stdin redirection operator in the Docs Makefile, so the perl script is
waiting indefinitely for input.

The attached patch needs to be applied to Docs/Makefile.in. It should be
in a suitable format to be bzipped and added to the spec.
Thanks, but there appears to be the exact same thing with 3.23.53, but that builds ok and 3.23.54a not. This is wierd...

Did the patch make your 3.23.54a build work? If the build is interactive (i.e. started from a terminal), I found that pressing Ctrl-D at the hang point makes it continue. It might be something to do with perl/rpm and interactive/scripted invocation, but that's a wild guess.

In case it's decided to include the Makefile.in patch, it might be better to use this version which also patches Makefile.am. I discovered that automake is called during %build - although by this time the Docs have been built. Better to play safe I think.

I've also attached the alteration to the spec file to include the patch.
Mark Scott
--- MySQL.spec~ 2002-12-30 13:59:33.000000000 +0000
+++ MySQL.spec  2003-01-03 00:13:41.000000000 +0000
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 Patch1:         mysql-3.23.42-bench.patch.bz2
 Patch2:                mysql-3.23.51-other-libc.patch.bz2
 Patch3:         mysql-3.23.54a-errno.patch.bz2
+Patch4:         mysql-3.23.54a-mirrors.patch.bz2
 Icon:          mysql.gif
 URL:            http://www.mysql.com
 Provides:       msqlormysql MySQL-server mysqlserver mysql
@@ -124,7 +125,7 @@
 %patch1 -b .patch
 %patch2 -p1 -b .other-libc
 #%patch3 -p1 -b .errno
+%patch4 -p1 -b .mirrors
 # 20021227 warly manual include files not in the archives
 perl -pi -e 's/\@include reservedwords.texi//' ./Docs/manual.texi
--- mysql-3.23.54a/Docs/Makefile.in.MIRRORS     2002-12-05 09:37:22.000000000 +0000
+++ mysql-3.23.54a/Docs/Makefile.in     2003-01-02 21:11:16.000000000 +0000
@@ -546,7 +546,7 @@
        perl -w $(GT) mysql.info "LGPL license" "Function Index" > $@
 ../MIRRORS:            manual.texi $(srcdir)/Support/generate-mirror-listing.pl
-       perl -w $(srcdir)/Support/generate-mirror-listing.pl manual.texi > $@
+       perl -w $(srcdir)/Support/generate-mirror-listing.pl < manual.texi > $@
 # Don't update the files from bitkeeper
--- mysql-3.23.54a/Docs/Makefile.am.mirrors     2003-01-03 00:02:29.000000000 +0000
+++ mysql-3.23.54a/Docs/Makefile.am     2003-01-03 00:02:53.000000000 +0000
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
        perl -w $(GT) mysql.info "LGPL license" "Function Index" > $@
 ../MIRRORS:            manual.texi $(srcdir)/Support/generate-mirror-listing.pl
-       perl -w $(srcdir)/Support/generate-mirror-listing.pl manual.texi > $@
+       perl -w $(srcdir)/Support/generate-mirror-listing.pl < manual.texi > $@
 # Don't update the files from bitkeeper

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