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On Friday 03 January 2003 09:05 am, Vincent Danen wrote:
> If you can test if this happens with a plain 9.0 system with the
> updates applied post-install (don't install them during the
> installation, but try after you've booted into the computer using
> urpmi).  That will help to narrow things down.  Optionally, just try to
> upgrade the drakxtools package first and see if it breaks things; ie.
> setup connection sharing first, make sure it works, install the
> drakxtools update, then see if it's broken.  It would help to know
> exactly what package is causing the problem.

Sure I'll get on that but it wont be for a few days.

> This is just plain wierd.  I really have no clue why it would affect
> only older Mac machines (what are they running?  OS 9?  OS 8?  System
> 7?)

Yes it was with macos 8.6 and 8.1 I do believe. I now have os 9.1 and jaguar 
on the machine now though. I do also have some older macs with macos 7.x and 
8.X that I can throw on the net to test with. 

> Ok, so everything is pretty much solid except for connection sharing?
> Then I'm suspecting drakxtools as I think that package has the
> connection sharing stuff in it (someone correct me if I'm wrong).

Yes now that you mention it I would say that it could be very possible that 
drakxtools is simply not updating the configuration files correctly. I even 
got an email from somebody suggesting this very thing. I also noticed that it 
is almost impossible to change the settings once it is set up ( at least with 
drackxtools). Even when I do expert and choose settings manually they simply 
are not applied. I can use linuxconf (shudder) to set these manually but it 
really breaks dracksxtools.

> I don't have a large network either, but I think I may have a typical
> "corporate" network, if scaled down a bit.  I've got a few machines
> running 8.2 in a DMZ, my LAN behind a hardware firewall with it's own
> servers (have an intranet website, MySQL, SMTP, FTP, etc.).  Then I
> have a wireless network behind yet another firewall that does MAC-based
> filtering (although I run my home office in a smaller neighbourhood
> with mostly old people, I don't want people sitting outside my house to
> get access to the internet or my LAN).  It's also a mixed environment
> with mostly Mandrake systems, but one dual-boot Windows machine and a
> few OS X-based systems that also dual-boot cooker or 8.2/PPC.  No old
> Mac machines here, and no connection sharing tho.

For my network I don't have a static ip. I outsource my web hosting and about 
5 websites I run/host. This outsourcing includes mail ftp and all the other 
stuff included with virtual hosting. For my local network I have main router 
box currently running mandrake 9.0. All the other mandrake systems I have 
here are running my custom 9.0 with the updates and kde3.1. I also have 
windows xp and one windows 98 box. For mac os I have one dual boot osx/ 
macos9.1 and at any time I can add at least 10 older macos boxes. I also have 
a couple sun sparcstation5's but they are not complete systems at this time. 
To this in the past I have had alpha systems but not currently. I run many 
servers behind the connection sharing system for testing websites, running 
ftp, samba, squid/privoxy, and whatever else I need at the time. Allot the 
testing stuff will be things like apache2 and php4.3 mysql4.0. but the 
connection sharing box runs a normal all the normal mandrake build stuff. At 
times I have run courier imap and qmail on my own for my local network and 
then grabbed with fetchmail or getmail and stuffed it into qmail for local 
delivery but fetchmail and getmail sometimes stop functioning properly with 
some email's.  

> IBM supports RH?  Or RH supports RH?  I think it's the latter.  IBM may
> advertise their servers as being supportive *of* RH, basically implying
> that RH works on them.  I know for fact that the Netfinity servers (not
> sure of the model, but I can find out for you), do run Mandrake 8.2 at
> least, and run it well.  My father, at his work, had two Netfinity
> servers running Mandrake to get company email received on them,
> scanned, and fired off to an Exchange server internally.

Thanks it's nice to here this kinda stuff. I get so tired of hearing the 
redhat propaganda. 

> Well, it gets frustrating from both ends I suspect.  Users may have
> issues with quality problems in some packages and instead of reporting
> it to me or someone else at MandrakeSoft, they report it to their
> friends and peers instead.  This doesn't really help to improve the
> updates.  =)

Yes and i suspect this may be the reason why you may not hear about these 
problems. They figure it simply does not work and they don't have ability to 
do anything but point and click so they goto another disto that has a free 

> I don't know if opening up another Bugzilla/Anthill interface for old
> distribs is the answer or not.  I believe that QA Bugzilla is intended
> entirely for cooker, and as a result posting old bugs there probably
> isn't a good idea.  Maybe something for old distribs is required, I
> don't know.

Not sure I have never used the current one. Not sure why but I always felt 
like I got a better response by posting here although I guess I should start 
using it. However I do see allot of things that I don't report. Most all of 
them are dealing with drackxtools.

> Maybe a forum on Club or something with a moderator who can forward
> pertinent/valid problems to me.  Or an addition to MandrakeExpert to
> report bugs.  Not sure what the best way for this would be, or maybe
> increasing the exposure of the [EMAIL PROTECTED] address to
> let people know it's not only for security problems.

Maybe but here again I have always up till 9.0 bought my mandrake right from 
the stores here. With 9.0 even compusa still does not have it though the last 
time I checked. I have always wanted to do mandrake club mostly to contribute 
rpm's but could never afford it all in one shot like that.

> Thank *you* for wanting to help.  =)  My fax number is on it's way to
> you directly.

- -- 
                                      Brook Humphrey           
        Mobile PC Medic, 420 1st, Cheney, WA 99004, 509-235-9107        
http://www.webmedic.net, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
                                 Holiness unto the Lord
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