francesco.melo wrote:
mirrors are full, there are problem connecting , and dowloading.
But there are more problem without a simple option that can permit to retry when connection with the mirror fails.

for examples: 780 mb kde upgrade now ..i dowloaded this pkg 7 times because everitime there was a pkg that fail after 4 o 10 or 26 pkg dowloaded so i have to start all from the begin.

i know there is an option with urpmi tha don't clean cache but .... i want to use rpmdrake.

I LL start dowload again now :::so i lll cahrge mirror of my traffic:::and i now that bandwith is like gold :::
For goodness sake, use rsync. rsync is everything that ftp always should have been.

Run rsync repeatedly untill nothing further is downloaded - at that point you can reliably assume a perfect download.

If md5sums are provided _always_ check them as well.

Ron. [Melbourne, Australia]
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